The erudite George Grassie bakes wonderful loaves at the Blackwater Bakehouse he owns on the Isle of Arran. We’ve often talked about food, travel and people and now I’ve been able to record our chat about bread – the good, the bad and the ugly.
At Blackwaterfoot, George is dedicated to baking good bread – about as far as you can get from the UK’s version of mass produced factory loaves. He strives to offer his customers something that’s a positive addition to our diet and value for money.
George talks with passion about work, ingredients with provenance and what drives him to keep baking the good artisan bread that keeps his dedicated and growing band of followers beating a path to his door.

Copyright acknowledgement.
Incidental music by permission of Donàl Boyle and Arran Ceilidh Band who play all tunes featured in this episode:
Maybelle’s Explanation.
Shelter From The Storm.
By The Way title music:
“Retro Furture” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License