The story of Boswell’s Galloping Farmers tells how a volunteer regiment of mounted yeomanry from the Ayrshire farming community were retrained as grenadier infantry and sent to fight The Turks in Gallipoli.
Jill Korn and I are working on an ambitious adaptation of a memoir written by Sandy Barclay in 1975. Sandy was there and he captures the struggles, horrors and, yes, humour of daily life in the trenches during the last three months of 1915.

Jill is writing the script with Martin Gallagher. I’m dealing with the audio and post production, and we hope to publish four episodes of the audio drama early in 2025.
It’s astounding to see the number of people it can take some others to produce an audio drama, and what that must cost. We’re doing it for the love of it.
I enjoy little better than Field Recording; collecting sounds for my effects from real life. Recently on a weekend away I took the chance to record the sounds of a 1900s steam ship to repurpose as RMSP Arcadian, the troop ship that took sandy and his mates through the Med to Gallipoli.

We need the help of actors, singers and musicians to bring the story alive, and we want to pay them for their work. Please click the image or this link to Jill’s Crowdfunder page, for more details and to make a donation towards helping those people feed their families. All of the money raised will go to the creative people who bring their skills to this project.
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